პოლიტიკური ნიშნით განხორციელებული ზეწოლა-მუქარა
2018-11-12 An activist of the United National Movement, Novruz Mekhtyev posted on his personal Facebook page that on November 12, a criminal police officer stopped his brother in the street and told him that “they were going too far”. The police officer took out a list of Mekhtiyev’s family members from his pocket with their personal information and said that he had been ordered to arrest one of the persons on this list before the runoff. On November 13, an official visited Mekhtiyev’s brother and offered to solve problems that village mosque has if they “cooperate with number 48”. On November 14, another official visited Mekhtiyev’s father and told him that they should either be a campaign worker for “number 48” or not cooperate with any party. Otherwise, he was told that their store and teahouse would be fined or closed down by the Revenue Service. To convince Mekhtiyev’s father that these words were true, the official said that the Revenue Service was going to visit him that day but they offered to “talk” first.

ინციდენტის გაზიარება

