Records: 6
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At the polling station #3 of the electoral district #60 (Ozurgeti), there was a group of persons in a car within the 80-90-meter range, who were monitoring the process throughout the day. ...
Date: 2021-10-30
District: Ozurgeti , Ozurgeti
Incident Category: Other
At the polling station #37 of the electoral district #60 (Ozurgeti), the chairperson refused to hand out copy of the summary protocol to ISFED’s observer, citing errors in the printing machine.
Date: 2021-10-30
District: Ozurgeti , Ozurgeti
Incident Category: Other
At the polling station #39 of the electoral district #60 (Ozurgeti), though a voter’s choice was clearly expressed, 6 ballot papers of the mayoral and 6 ballot papers of the majoritarian race were invalidated. ...
At the polling station #27 of the electoral district #60 (Ozurgeti), two cars were transporting voters to the polling stations. The drivers were communicating with each other. One of the cars had a sticker with "41” glued on it, which was removed after the observer noticed it. ...
Date: 2021-10-30
District: Ozurgeti , Ozurgeti
Incident Category: Other
At the polling station #57 of the electoral district #60 (Ozurgeti), a registrar allowed voters included in the mobile ballot box list to sign in the table version of the list. However, the commission chairperson explained that ballot papers were not handed out to those voters; ...
At the polling station #3 of the electoral district #60 (Ozurgeti), there is a suspicious gathering of persons, who were communicating with voters. Upon exiting the polling station, a voter handed an unidentified paper to one of them. The persons are in a car, and reportedly have lists at hand....